Off the strength of an outstanding ongoing campaign by Carlos' & Blue Devil Racing's superstar - Come Dancing - Martin Racing hit a Million dollars in earnings for the 10th time in the last 12 years and the fourth consecutive year...capping an incredible resurgence for Carlos Martin Stables and his entire team. We would like to thank all our valued employees, who contribute everyday to our triumphs; with their boundless energy, enthusiasm and love for the horses they care for. Special mention to longtime employees:
Adrian Velazquez - Assistant Trainer
Macario Bravo - Groom
Federico Torres - Groom
Manuel Herrera - Groom
Ricardo Cisterna - Groom
Roberta Valencia - Hotwalker
Nelson Estay - Groom/Hotwalker
Jose Cuti - Exercise Rider
Francisco Tapia - Exercise Rider
Special Memorial Recognition: Guadalupe Rebelledo
(Longtime Assistant Trainer - passed away this year)
Finally, we would like to thank current & past clients - without whom, our continued successes would not have been possible. It has been our unique honor to care for, train and race your horses under the Carlos Martin banner! Special mention to:
Marc & Sheree Holliday
John Caputo
John & Denise Sperando
Christine Goosens & Don Henderson
Mark & Lori Collinsworth
Matthew Schera
Michael & Amanda Laderer
Steve & Roseanne Frisch
Steve Linden
Patricia Pavlish
Sugar Maple Farms
Kirk & Debra Wycoff